сряда, 7 септември 2011 г.

Keyword Search Statistics That You Will Love

I create this blog to show you my method "how I getting organic targeted traffic with little effort" with simple statistics. I try to explain you simple step by step with images and if you don`t make money online, this will help you to start and you will love it. I haven`t enough time to teach you on keyword research, on-page SEO or how to monetize your blog or site here, but you can visit my blog for this: http://keywordresearchtutorial.blogspot.com/.

Over 2 years period I tried to get traffic from search engines without success. I tried many methods, read many books and all this stuff was 99% false. I used keywords with many global monthly searches, "believing that I will be rich quick" build and paid for 1000`s of backlinks and no success at all and less than 10 daily visitors in a result. This was before. Now I find the true. Have a millions keywords that just wait to get grabbed and to start receiving very very good amount of traffic every day, every month for very long time period.

My Keyword Search Statistics
First thing that I do was keyword research. As I write before you can visit my next blog for more info. What I need from my keywords?
1. To have low number of competitors
2. To have good amount of monthly searches
3. If I promote Google Adsense - to have good Approximate CPC (Cost Per Click)
4. If is possible to have free .com , .net or .org domain and if I don`t want to spend money, free subdomain in Google Blogger

Let`s begin with Keyword Search Statistics creation:

I just do my research and find my keyword.
As you can see,

my keyword have 590 monthly searches - no bad and $2.02 Approximate CPC - very good. The competition in second row looks big - the green color is much more than white. But I am not sure that this is right so checking Google. Firs I will see
how many competitors have my keyword in quotes (exact mach phrase) and as you can see on the image, there have only 68 500 results - this is low competition for me. Next I check how many results have my keyword in title and as you
can see, number in results is 658 and this is very low competition. Last test for my Keyword Search Statistics is in link
and as you can see on the image, the competition for my keyword is only 400 - very very low. It looks like this is my phrase, so jump to next step.

I don`t want to spend money buying domain names so checking Blogger for a subdomain. As you know, the owner of this site is Google so ranking will be easy than any other subdomain. Next good part is that you can easy monetize your Blogger blog with Adsense. I checking my keyword (without spaces) and I get green light. My blog is free. I filling the capcha code, start blogging and now I am on row 60 :).

I will check for non used domain names by the way. I do this just typing my keyword in Godaddy domain search.
.com domain is taken - not good for me. When I check recommendations, I see that .org and .net domains are free and this is good for me. Using top level domains (com,net and org) make keyword ranking more easy, than any other. Private variant is if your keyword is country targeted. Than top level domain will be on your country e.g. .bg for Bulgaria. Using .bg for bulgarian keyword will rank easy in Google.bg or .co.uk for Google.co.uk

I allays create table like this
for any of my keyword. I save this tables on my hard drive and come back if I want to spend money for domain or to check competition in time. This table is my Keyword Search Statistics.

To make my Keyword Search
Statistics Full
And to avoid the mistakes that I do before. Let do other research. I find keyword with huge number of exact monthly searches - 246 000. Will be good to get ranked in top 10 for this keyword. I see second row - for keyword competition is almost empty (little green color). It`s look like this keyword is easy for rank, but let check this.

WOW, It looks like our keyword have more than
3 000 000 competitors for exact mach phrase. I think that this is huge competition. On first place after ads I find Google keyword tool - this is competition :)

335 000 results in title search

and 316 000 in link url.

It looks like I have little chance to get in top 10 and impossible to get No1. All top level domains are in use, blogger blog is in use.

I don`t need to create table for Keyword Search Statistics.

When I seen little green color for big amount of monthly searches before, I instant paid for exact mach or near mach domain names. Don`t do this.

Working (or paying) for/on get ranked for keyword with big number of monthly searches haven`t effect at sometime. Your website hits are 0 or little more for first 2-3 months. This is very hard job or you must spend huge amount of money

May be you know about viral marketing trough social networks in last years. Little, but fast amount of website traffic can turn your site in viral machine and your number of monthly searches can explode in 2-3 months period (sometime more than the keyword with bigger number searches). All this with very little work (or little cash).

1 коментар:

  1. Really fantastic tips about Keyword Search Statistics, that are very helpful for attain good ranking on major search engine.

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